
Parkstone Golf Club


Junior Information

Junior Membership

As a young golfer at Parkstone Golf Club you will enjoy the dedicated and committed support of our Junior Organisers. This will provide you with an opportunity to learn all aspects of the game, not just technically but also in respect of course management, rules and etiquette. We encourage appropriate behaviour e.g. fair play, honesty, integrity, respect and consideration for others; skills which will help you throughout your life. As a junior member at Parkstone you will be provided with ample opportunities to make new friends, play competitive and/or social golf to help you develop at a pace that suits you. This will enable you to progress from a beginner to an established, experienced golfer through a number of steps designed to build your confidence in a safe environment.

Junior Handbook

All information about the section can be found in our Junior Handbook, see Junior Handbook for more information.

Safe Golf

We are delighted that Parkstone has been acredited with SafeGolf which shows we meet the standards for safeguarding which are already part of the GolfMark Award, see Safe Golf for more information.

Welfare Officer: Mrs Sarah Primavesi is our Welfare Officer, for her contact details, please contact the office on 01202 707138 or alternatively on 

Junior Coaching

Junior coaching is available with James Baldwin, Tom Green and Alice Davis, all qualified professionals, who provide individual and group coaching for all levels of ability and experience, see Junior Coaching for more information.

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